- Acute dialysis care for inpatients
- Chronic kidney disease care for inpatient and outpatients
- Management of diabetic and hypertensive kidney damage
- Management of nephrotic syndrome
- Management of kidney infections and glomerulonephropathy
Dr. Jay Moodley
Nephrologist & Specialist Physician
MBBCh (Wits) FCP (SA) Cert Nephrology (SA)
Dr Jay Moodley is a Specialist Nephrologist
Dr Jay Moodley is a full time Nephrologist and Physician at Life Mount Edgecombe Hospital & Busamed Gateway Private Hospital.
Dr Jay Moodley has a special interest in preventative nephrology and works closely with primary care clinicians for clinical practice guidelines for Chronic kidney disease
As a resident nephrologist , Dr Jay Moodley has worked with an excellent clinical team at the hospital to create a well equipped renal dialysis unit that conforms to international guidelines of quality
Quality Service delivery remains the forefront of his practice.

What is a Nephrologist?
Nephrologists are medical professionals who focus on kidney-related disorders. Globally, kidney problems are on the rise, and each year, millions of people receive treatment for chronic renal disease or kidney injury.
Screening and early detection of kidney disease
When should you contact a Nephrologist?
There are various indication to consult with a kidney specialist.
- Referrals are generally made via your general practitioner if they identify a problem.
- Patients can consult with a nephrologist directly without a referral in South Africa.
- General indications for a consult would include the following screening or symptoms.
- A long-standing history of diabetes or hypertension.
- A first degree relative with kidney failure or kidney damage.
- Wellness checks.
- Previous history of resolved kidney disease.
- History of drug or NSAIDS use.
- Patients over the age of 60yrs.
- Swelling and puffiness over the face and body.
- Fatigue or shortness of breath.
- Blood in the urine or decreased urine output.
- Nausea or vomiting.
- Weakness.
- Sleep disturbance.
- Irritated Skin.
- Uncontrolled blood pressure.
These are some of the symptoms of kidney disease but are not specific to kidney damage It therefore important to visit a nephrologist and have directed tests to exclude kidney disease.
Patients with CKD (chronic kidney disease) can go many years without realising there is a problem, hence screening is very important especially in high-risk patients like diabetics and hypertensives.